If you like old time USA the constitution and small government than Constitution party is more your choose.
The Constitution Party is theocratic in their beliefs.
okay cut to the chase.
the united states has got a problem.
hillary clinton is so unpopular that practically any republican who ran against her would probably have beaten her.
If you like old time USA the constitution and small government than Constitution party is more your choose.
The Constitution Party is theocratic in their beliefs.
okay cut to the chase.
the united states has got a problem.
hillary clinton is so unpopular that practically any republican who ran against her would probably have beaten her.
For some comic relief:
okay cut to the chase.
the united states has got a problem.
hillary clinton is so unpopular that practically any republican who ran against her would probably have beaten her.
There's no other reasonable way to interpret his behaviour, unless he is actually insane.
Haven't you heard the news? He's a Narcissist which is an actual diagnostic category amongst psychiatrists.
Eegads! Yes. I'm for real. Kinda leaning anarcho-syndicalist at the moment.
Nice to know that someone is close to you in the political spectrum.
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
James Mixon,
But my question why continue to hold on to Sharia law when it has devastated your country?
There is a very wide range of Sharia law from country to country. There are different interpretations of it amongst Muslims. It is not a standard code of laws and they don't all fall into the radical conservatism of ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc.
In any case, I am virulently anti-authoritarian in matters concerning religion and the state.
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
Cofty, Maybe I shouldn't have said harmless but JW tradition is not about to be nullified by the state. I too have seen undercover videos of Sharia courts. In one the judge asked if it could have been the woman's fault because the husband didn't like her cooking. I know it's pathetic.
By the way, when I said "harmless, I meant harmless to non-Muslims.
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
Prologos, Jews also live in entire neighborhoods. Their traditions are supposedly founded on the Old Testament (And we know what that's about).
Also, your claim that they're invaders implies that they were actually organized for the purpose of taking over those countries. That's absurd; all they're doing is fleeing from their countries. Whether they merit being there is another issue.
In any case, I know that it's an authoritarian religion but all three of the 'Abrahamic' faiths are. Let them follow their traditions as long as it doesn't impact non-Muslims and those Muslims who don't want to abide by them.
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
Jews are allowed to use their traditions in areas of family laws such as divorce. That's the same thing that some Muslims want. It is known as family sharia. It's completely harmless and voluntary even amongst Muslims.
over the years here on this site i have found over half of the folks can hold their own with any minister.. why when we leave the borg we become proficient on any subject on the bible.. why did we go down that road?
my intention was to get close to jehovah (searching the bible), but i. guess i found lucifer.
i'am ask all the time, how did you go from a true believer to calling the bible a book.
To the extent that we had any curiosity as a Witness we were liberated from a religion that stifles it. We became free to learn about anything. Besides, it doesn't take much learning to beat a JW.
rate it from 1 to 10. thanks!
If I were to develop brain damage and sado-masochism and then return to the meetings I would have to rate them as -10.
rate it from 1 to 10. thanks!